As the first year of marriage gradually approaches for me, I
have had a chance to reflect on myself and the reasons why the first year for
me was such a pain. Hopefully this may help someone.
Communication was the major cause of problems for me. The Hubby (TH) and I talked about many things prior to the marriage. In fact I believed we had it all figured out… how wrong I was!! You see based on my background and environment, I expected that TH will “naturally assume” certain responsibilities such as taking care of my car, taking out the trash on trash day, vacuuming, gardening, taking the lead in family devotion, and in many other areas. I prepared myself to cook, wash the bathrooms, dust, and “help” hubby out in other areas for the rest of my life.
Communication was the major cause of problems for me. The Hubby (TH) and I talked about many things prior to the marriage. In fact I believed we had it all figured out… how wrong I was!! You see based on my background and environment, I expected that TH will “naturally assume” certain responsibilities such as taking care of my car, taking out the trash on trash day, vacuuming, gardening, taking the lead in family devotion, and in many other areas. I prepared myself to cook, wash the bathrooms, dust, and “help” hubby out in other areas for the rest of my life.
I executed my “roles” to the best of my ability, but could
not understand why he would not lift a finger.
We fought about it so many times until I realized that I had
expectations that I did not discuss with him, and he probably had some too that
I had fallen short of because he did not discuss it with me.
Our communication is still work in progress, I try to bare
out my heart to him even though sometimes he says things that really hurt based
on what I have told him. Time will tell whether this “Tell All” method is
sustainable, but for now it makes me feel very honest and upright (like I have
clean hands, no hidden agenda, nothing to be afraid of).
It helps to talk to your spouse about everything. After all
isn’t marriage for companionship? Wouldn’t the friendship be more intimate if no
one held back?
**Pictures are courtesy:
yes, communication is a great asset to a wonderful relationship and just even saying your mind even when it might not do much helps you feel relieved sort of
i'm glad you're getting through it. stay blessed
Marriage is the first year is the hardest, I know everyone says communication but men are wired to think and reason different. Maybe after making his favorite food, sit him down and tell him that he's not helping with the chores and you are getting tired of doing it all alone.
I truly home he reasons with you, it is really not easy to do it all. Sometimes we women need a helping hand.
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